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BIDS Apps are typically docker or singularity images that allow you to seamlessly run many applications without the need to installing all dependencies, and are generally guaranteed to run on your data, provided your data is BIDS compliant. Below is a list of many commonly used BIDS Apps.

Status of the "latest" docker image

Name Input datatypes Use raw Use derivatives Status latest Number docker pulls Image size
afni_proc func
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
antsCorticalThickness anat
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
baracus anat
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
brainiak-srm func
no 🚫 yes ✅ Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
BrainSuite anat
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
BROCCOLI no 🚫 no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
CPAC func
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
example no 🚫 no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
freesurfer func
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
giga_connectome func
no 🚫 yes ✅ Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
HCPPipelines anat
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
hyperalignment func
no 🚫 yes ✅ Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
MAGeTbrain anat
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
mindboggle anat
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
MRtrix3_connectome dwi
yes ✅ yes ✅ Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
ndmg anat
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
nipypelines func
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
oppni func
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
PyMVPA func
no 🚫 yes ✅ Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
QAP anat
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
rsHRF func
no 🚫 yes ✅ Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
SPM yes ✅ yes ✅ Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
tracula dwi
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
bidsMReye func
no 🚫 yes ✅ Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
bidspm anat
yes ✅ yes ✅ Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
fmriprep-fake anat
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
funcmasker-flex func
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
gift-bids no 🚫 no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
hippunfold no 🚫 no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
micapipe no 🚫 no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
fmriprep anat
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
dmriprep anat
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
mriqc anat
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
nibabies anat
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
nirodents anat
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
smriprep yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
fmripost-aroma func
no 🚫 yes ✅ Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
fmripost-phase func
no 🚫 yes ✅ Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
fmripost-rapidtide func
no 🚫 yes ✅ Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
BIDSonym anat
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
aslprep perf
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
xcp_d func
no 🚫 yes ✅ Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
qsiprep dwi
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
qsirecon dwi
no 🚫 yes ✅ Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
fitlins func
no 🚫 yes ✅ Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
reproa anat
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
connectomemapper3 anat
yes ✅ yes ✅ Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
multiscalebrainparcellator anat
yes ✅ no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
mialsuperresolutiontoolkit no 🚫 no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
BIBSnet anat
no 🚫 no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)
petdeface pet
no 🚫 no 🚫 Number of Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)

Status of the default branch on the source repository

Name Status unstable Updated Number issues
afni_proc Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
antsCorticalThickness Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
baracus Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
brainiak-srm Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
BrainSuite Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
BROCCOLI Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
CPAC Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
DPARSF Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
example Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
freesurfer Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
giga_connectome Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
HCPPipelines Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
hyperalignment Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
MAGeTbrain Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
mindboggle Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
MRtrix3_connectome Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
ndmg Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
nipypelines Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
oppni Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
PyMVPA Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
QAP Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
rsHRF Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
SPM Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
tracula Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
bidsMReye Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
bidspm Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
fmriprep-fake Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
funcmasker-flex Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
gift-bids Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
hippunfold Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
micapipe Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
fmriprep Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
dmriprep Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
mriqc Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
nibabies Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
nirodents Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
smriprep Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
fmripost-aroma Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
fmripost-phase Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
fmripost-rapidtide Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
BIDSonym Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
aslprep Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
xcp_d Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
qsiprep Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
qsirecon Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
fitlins Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
reproa Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
connectomemapper3 Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
multiscalebrainparcellator Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
mialsuperresolutiontoolkit Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
BIBSnet Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github
petdeface Status unstable GitHub last commit Number of open issues on github