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2024 10 10 steering group minutes


  • Ariel Rokem
  • Camille Maumet
  • Dora Hermes
  • Kim Ray
  • Ross Blair

BIDS Elections

  • a potential candidate was identified during INCF

    • Dimitri Yatsenko, need to follow up with this person
  • Previous suggestions: Adina Wagner, Lyuba Zehl

  • Form for nominations is now closed , we might be able to still add people

  • Current Nominees: Arnaud Delorme, Ashley Stewart, Franco Pestilli, Alessio Giacomel, Lyuba Zehl

  • Steering group supports moving forward with election process.

  • What is the election timeline?

    • Ariel will rotate out

    • Mid-to-late November we will know who will be the next steering group meeting.

    • The new steering group member will likely join in January, and January will be the last meeting for Ariel.

    • AR will not disappear, he still has BIDS funds from the Open science prize that will be used to support future BIDS needs.

    • AR is happy to organize another BIDS meeting similar to the previous Seattle BIDS meeting (although it could be held elsewhere as needed).

Revisit Chris' Discussion

  • View previous meeting and discussion notes
  • there were many options presented
  • a chicken and egg situation circles around funding
  • the fiscal sponsorship sounded like a low barrier option
  • the current amount of funds that BIDS has may not be enough to support a person.

INCF Fiscal Sponsorship

  • INCF will be hiring a replacement for Heather Topple when she goes on maternity leave soon. If there is funding for the role that the BIDS maintainers requested and a clear outline of what BIDS needs to be supported, then they could discuss the new hire helping with BIDS.

  • Eric Earl pointed us to a generic job description for a remote volunteer coordinator.

  • would fiscal sponsorship include something to the effect of receiving funds for 'BIDS memberships' and then support reimbursement of BIDS related expenses?

  • Would need to discuss this directly with Helena/Matthew

  • Potentially, groups could steer grant funds to INCF to support BIDS activity such as workshops or support from BIDS (either maintainers or other individuals within BIDS)

  • CM: some institutions are less inclined to pay an organization like BIDS

  • AR: we could use a membership model to begin pooling funds that could support coomunity management for BIDS. This would require a lot of work.

  • CM: can we chat more with INCF to better understand the options

  • KR: will ask Helena/Matthew to join

  • questions to ask:

    • funding models (membership...)
    • what does/can INCF support?
    • what expertise we need?

OHBM planning

  • the OHBM website is open for submissions

  • DH: having a steady presence would be good to continue awareness for new contributors

  • Maintainers (RB) : OS-SIG is looking to coordinate an event about the entire BEP process. No plans made yet.

  • AR thinks this is a great educational opportunity, seems more welcoming to people new to BIDS. Suggests including a general introduction to BIDS (Remi has some good slides).

  • It may take too long to have a steering group meeting guest (James Kent?). We should move forward with this between meetings considering how quickly OHBM submissions will be here.

  • AR will email reply to the OS-SIG.

  • CM: Need to see who from BIDS will be attend OHBM this year.

Update on Code of Conduct

  • Ariel will have a draft for amendments for Code of Conduct, process, and maintaining violations by the time of the BIDS election.

  • repeat offenders should be recorded, who will keep the ongoing list of those that have violated the code of conduct? AR will update this in the documents.

  • This will effect the governance documents, and thus the changes to governance documents will need to be voted on (contacts for code of conduct violations, other minor changes in language)