2024 08 08 steering group minutes
- Kim Ray
- Yaroslav Halchenko
- Ariel Rokem
- Cyril Pernet
- Dora Hermes
- Chris M. (maintainer)
HackMD transition
- maintainers have also started using hackmd
- created a BIDS teams.
Neuroinformatics/INCF 20241
who is going?
- Yaroslav
- Anthony Galassi is seeking funding/permission from NIH
- Kim will email Helena and Heather to ask about discount for booth (would it include registration)
- Ariel thinks that the TOSI prize can support a table
anything pro-BIDS to do?
TOSI Funds
- Can this also support travel to INCF? - need to confirm with Dartmouth
SfN Meeting
- DANDI will have a booth
- BIDS can also be represented given their related projects.
- Are there additional projects/initiaves that could be part of DANDI?
New meeting in Boston, not sure that there will be BIDS representation there.
Other maintainer Questions
Would be good to start OHBM prep further in advance (~6mo?), including assigning tasks. (This year was a bit rushed.)
- need a more clear outline of duties for Steering Group and Maintainers
- Should BIDS Roundtable meeting go back to the OSR (to ensure hybrid engagement) or stick with OHBM to be included in the program
- Considering the upcoming Brisbane location, there may be a higher need for hybrid/virtual engagement
- Does BIDS townhall need to happen at OHBM? Or could it be a stand alone meeting.
$20 for Opavote for election.
- steering group supports, Ariel (Yarik as backup) will support financially.
Somewhat inchoate coordination woes:
"we are seeing more requests, is there a coordinator role already that can respond? If not, how should the general inquiries be routed?"
Could the contributing page help identify where to direct queries (e.g. a contact for interviews, press...)? We currently have a contact page on the new website (which might not be sufficient)
BIDS Virtual Meeting?
- Should BIDS move their annual meeting "roundtable" outside of OHBM?
- Chris will bring the dicsussion to the Maintainers.