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2024 08 08 steering group minutes


  • Kim Ray
  • Yaroslav Halchenko
  • Ariel Rokem
  • Cyril Pernet
  • Dora Hermes
  • Chris M. (maintainer)

HackMD transition

  • maintainers have also started using hackmd
  • created a BIDS teams.

Neuroinformatics/INCF 20241

  • who is going?

    • Yaroslav
    • Anthony Galassi is seeking funding/permission from NIH
    • Kim will email Helena and Heather to ask about discount for booth (would it include registration)
    • Ariel thinks that the TOSI prize can support a table
  • anything pro-BIDS to do?

TOSI Funds

  • Can this also support travel to INCF? - need to confirm with Dartmouth

SfN Meeting

  • DANDI will have a booth
  • BIDS can also be represented given their related projects.
  • Are there additional projects/initiaves that could be part of DANDI?


New meeting in Boston, not sure that there will be BIDS representation there.

Other maintainer Questions

  • Would be good to start OHBM prep further in advance (~6mo?), including assigning tasks. (This year was a bit rushed.)

    • need a more clear outline of duties for Steering Group and Maintainers
    • Should BIDS Roundtable meeting go back to the OSR (to ensure hybrid engagement) or stick with OHBM to be included in the program
    • Considering the upcoming Brisbane location, there may be a higher need for hybrid/virtual engagement
    • Does BIDS townhall need to happen at OHBM? Or could it be a stand alone meeting.
  • $20 for Opavote for election.

    • steering group supports, Ariel (Yarik as backup) will support financially.
  • Somewhat inchoate coordination woes:

    • "we are seeing more requests, is there a coordinator role already that can respond? If not, how should the general inquiries be routed?"

    • Could the contributing page help identify where to direct queries (e.g. a contact for interviews, press...)? We currently have a contact page on the new website (which might not be sufficient)

BIDS Virtual Meeting?

  • Should BIDS move their annual meeting "roundtable" outside of OHBM?
  • Chris will bring the dicsussion to the Maintainers.