2022 07 14 steering group minutes

Topic Relevant Links

Franklin’s final meeting

  • to do list update by Franklin; he’s also preparing a document:

    • Meeting scheduling (steering group can probably manage this); help of maintainer to invite guests?

    • Steering committee elections (Russ and Mel will rotate off, new chair should probably also be elected)

  • possibly a new person can be hired in September

The Carpentries have used this platform for elections: https://electionbuddy.com/

BIDS-validator schema update

  • Validator: tracking usage

OHBM debrief

  • A lot of people attended!!!

  • OHBM best practices committee

  • Governance reflection: scheduling Cassandra Gould van Praag

OHBM Best practices: https://www.humanbrainmapping.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=4027
Inheritance principle changes




BIDS-Specification redesign

  • Status: will be picked up



Let’s sort the BEPs here, both upcoming and old:

BEP type categorization

Recognizing BIDS validated datasets

  • Unique badges?

Community projects board

  • Under ‘get involved’ on homepage

Goal of BIDS derivatives

  • Data sharing or reproducibility

  • Organize a BIDS derivative workshop? Maybe funded via OpenNeuroPET

See also Discuss BEP021 derivatives for electrophys · Issue #5 for the electrophys derivatives discussion
(continued) Writing up BIDS usage survey into blog post

Biannual BEP updates

  • Status: in OHBM OSR town hall, needs to be converted to website

Guest scheduling (meeting 15 minutes before the scheduled meeting for Steering Group business):

Maintainers Group guests:

No guests scheduled