2022 03 31 steering group minutes

Topic Relevant Links
Meeting Guest: BEP028 (provenance) leads https://github.com/bids-standard/BEP028_BIDSprov


  • Monday, June 20 at 10:30am - 12:15pm (BST)

  • Share some time with BIDS-connectivity (Franco)

  • Potential option: live stream event

    • Won’t know closer to OHBM

    • Very expensive

Inheritance principle changes https://bidsstandard.slack.com/archives/CQ78S2E23/p1648146833155359

BIDS-Specification redesign

  • Status: working on developing one proposal incorporating feedback



Let’s sort the BEPs here, both upcoming and old:

BEP type categorization

Recognizing BIDS validated datasets

  • Unique badges?

Switch to macros for tables



Validator: tracking usage

Goal of BIDS derivatives

  • Data sharing or reproducibility

See also Discuss BEP021 derivatives for electrophys · Issue #5 for the electrophys derivatives discussion
(continued) Writing up BIDS usage survey into blog post

(continued) Wrapping up biannual BEP updates

  • Status: gathering lingering updates from leads

  • Overall, a lot of good progress reports

    • Provenance, fNIRS, MRS, Virtual and Physical motion moving along

Guest scheduling (meeting 15 minutes before scheduled meeting for Steering Group business):

Maintainers Group guests: