Town hall 2020
Check out the wide range of ways BIDS is being implemented throughout the field!
Posters at OHBM
Category: Modeling and Analysis Methods
Poster 1340: Confounder: A BIDS app for assessing the influence of experimental confounds in task-based GLM model presented by Suzanne Witt
Category: Neuroinformatics and Data Sharing
Poster 1895: BIDS Derivatives - Standardization of Processing Results in Brain Imaging presented presented by Chris Markiewicz
Poster 1907: A standard for the organization of quantitative MRI data: BIDS extension proposal 001 presented by Gilles de Hollander
Poster 1918: Framework for performing multi-subject analysis in electrophysiology within the BIDS format presented by Aude Jegou
Poster 1936: R-BIDS, a DICOM conversion and BIDS data structuring workflow developed in R presented by Niklas Wulms
Poster 1940: MNE-BIDS: Standardizing archiving and analysis of electrophysiology data with MNE presented by Alexandre Gramfort
Poster 1941: A system for automatic BIDS conversion from the Siemens console in Flywheel presented by Timothy Verstynen
Poster 1956: Physiopy/phys2bids: BIDS formatting of physiological recordings presented by Stefano Moia
Poster 1966: EzBIDS: The open cloud service for automated, validated DICOM to BIDS conversion presented by Daniel Levitas
Poster 1984: OmniiBIDS: Automatic Conversion of Structured NIfTI Datasets to BIDS presented by Alexandre Hutton
Talks in the Open Science Room
Tuesday, June 23
Open Data 2.0 Lighting talk section
Concept Annotations via NIDM-Terms Fosters Improved Search of OpenNeuro Datasets presented by David Keator
The Courtois project on neuronal modeling - first data release presented by Julie A. Boyle
BIDS: a data standard to support the neuroimaging community presented by Guiomar Niso
Open Data 2.0 demo section
Open Data 2.0 (Software/process demo): Bidsme: flexible bidsifier for multimodal datasets presented by Nikita Beliy
Wednesday, June 24
Open Workflows Keynote
Transparent MRI workflows: From scanner to publication presented by Agah Karakuzu
Open Workflows Demo section
Macapype: An open multi-software framework for non-human primate anatomical MRI processing presented by David Meunier
Friday, June 26
Open Emergent section
BIDS Townhall Meeting organized by the BIDS Steering Group and Maintainers Group and moderated by Chris Markiewicz
Monday, June 29
Open Emergent section
qMRI-BIDS: an extension to the brain imaging data structure for structural acquisitions that include multiple contrast presented by Gilles de Hollander
Thursday, July 2
Open Emergent section
The Positron Emission Tomography Brain imaging Data structure (PET-BIDS) extension: A new standard for sharing PET data presented by Melanie Ganz
To be scheduled
Open Workflows demos
BrainSuite BIDS-App: Reproducible structural image processing pipelines with group level statistical analysis presented by Yeun Kim
Automatic analysis: open, efficient, and versatile neuroimaging workflows in MATLAB presented by Tibor Auer
Open Workflows lighting talk
AD-DL framework: A reproducible evaluation of convolutional neural networks for classification of Alzheimer's disease made easier with Clinica presented by Alexandre Routier