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2020 03 30 steering group minutes

Executive Summary

We discussed how to move forward with implementing the author lists on Zenodo from our pdf specification. We want to provide guidance on how we landed on our decision: a single author “BIDS Contributing Group”. This will be opened as a proposal with a request for comments (RFC) on the BIDS-Specification repository. This is important to deploy with the community’s approval. This may give way for a stronger contributor tracking system.

We clarified the format and points for the monthly Maintainers update. This should be less than 1 page and keep a high level view of BIDS. The executive summary must include: achievements, struggles, next month aims, blockers or steering group help. The update may also link to issues with a 1 sentence narrative. Keeping in mind the purpose of the update from the Steering Group’s perspective: knowing the hard parts or blockers and capture the work needed to maintain BIDS.

We invited the ASL BEP leads to the next Steering Group meeting.

Action Items

Action item
Documenting BIDS website user stories
KW: Drafting RFC Zenodo authorship decision process
BIDS-Maintainers March update
MG: Respond to NIDM team
Initialize google slides to start iterating on our BIDS community slides
Email ASL BEP leads to invite to Steering Group meeting


  • We discussed the author lists on Zenodo for our specification pdfs.

  • Strike the difference between authorship on BIDS publications versus on Zenodo. Provide a guidance that is respectful and appreciative to our BIDS contributors.

  • Perhaps highlight those who were the contributors of a particular release while preserving the entire contributor list for every version regardless of how old the contribution was. (i.e. not removing authors)

  • Provides room to propose an update to our contributor system.

  • KW Drafting a recommendation proposal to the BIDS community

  • Clarifications were discussed regarding the Maintainers update

  • Less than 1page, high level, 1 sentence for an issue (as needed)

  • Update covers action of the last month: achievements, struggles, next month outlook, and blocking items.

    • The blocking items may be most important for Steering Group to be aware of.
    • Link to the issues on GitHub
  • This update will provide strong historical perspective

    • Keep in mind the purpose of the update: The Steering Group wants to capture the work performed to maintain BIDS and what are the hard parts/blockers of the project.
  • Addressing issues related to lowering the barriers to contribute to BIDS.

  • MG will be writing up a response to the NIDM team GitHub post.

  • Discussed inviting BEP leads and maintainers to the Steering Group meetings.