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BIDS Stats Models Object Reference

This section defines the valid keys and values in a BIDS Stats Model. A BIDS Stats Model is defined in a JSON document.

Object definitions

.. currentmodule:: bsmschema.models

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: _autosummary


{py:class}~bsmschema.models.BIDSStatsModel is the top-level structure, while the remaining classes define sub-structures. To demonstrate this hierarchy, here we show an example model in this structure, with missing fields rendered as None:

```{code-cell} python3

tags: ["remove_cell"]

The above tag ensures this does not show in the page.

from pathlib import Path from myst_nb import glue from IPython.display import Code import black from bsmschema.models import BIDSStatsModel

orig = Path('examples/model-example_smdl.json').read_text() model = BIDSStatsModel.parse_raw(orig)

Here we use MyST "glue" to insert generated structures in tabs

glue("structured", Code(black.format_str(repr(model), mode=black.mode.Mode()), language="python")) glue("orig_json", Code(orig, language="json"))

````{tab-item} Structure
```{glue:} structured
````{tab-item} Original JSON
```{glue:} orig_json

Note that each structured field has a Description subfield. Any JSON object may have a Description key where the author or generator of a model can provide an explanation of the section.

How to read object definitions

The object definitions linked above have a common structure that may not be obvious. Some confusion may arise from a conflation of JSON and Python terms, as the definitions are written as Pydantic models and use Python typing to constrain values.

Here we present an "explainer model" that demonstrates different types, how they appear in the definition, and their corresponding JSON.

{eval-rst} .. autopydantic_model:: bsmschema.models.ExplainerModel