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This document conveys the process for submitting a BEP to BIDS.

This process assumes the BEP is ready to be opened as a pull request to the bids-specification repository under the bids-standard organization. Please reach out to the BIDS maintainers to let them know you are reaching this step in the process. They will assist the merging of the BEP into the Specification.

REQUIRED deliverables

  1. Extension proposal

  2. Extension of the bids-schema to support the BEP

  3. Examples (to test the validator is working properly) added to bids-examples

SUGGESTED deliverables

  1. Preprint of the new extension (if applicable - please refer to the BEP paper writing suggestion below)

  2. Press release for the bids-website news section

Giving collaborators additional permissions within our bids-standard organization

Please ensure there is a BEP team already created under the bids-standard GitHub organization. If not, please contact one of the BIDS maintainers (see list in A BIDS maintainer will also help invite your fellow BEP members to the GitHub team and to make sure your team has elevated permissions for your BEP.

Submitting the extension proposal

  1. Create a new branch off of the bids-specification repository

  2. Name the branch following the BEP tag convention: bep### (e.g. bep003)

  3. Label your pull requests with your BEP tag (this will signal to the community which are for the specification or associated with a specific BEP)

  4. When the branch is ready to be merged, open a pull request against the master branch to signal the BEP is ready for final reviews. We ask your initial pull request to the master branch is clean of comments and has one commit - adding your extension to the specification. Please let the BIDS maintainers know if you need assistance squashing your commits.

The BEP lead(s) will work with the BIDS maintainers to coordinate the community review period. The community review period is scheduled after the pull request has been opened.

Submitting the validator extension (deprecation warning)

  1. Determine if this is necessary as approved and merged changes to to the schema will cancel the need to complete the following steps.

  2. Create a new branch off of the bids-validator repository

  3. Name the branch following the BEP tag convention: bep### (e.g. bep003)

  4. Label your pull requests with your BEP tag. This will clearly differentiate your work from those of the master branch. Consider opening the pull request early to begin getting feedback. Tag Ross Blair (@rwblair) in this PR and make sure to have [WIP] in the title of the pull request to indicate it is a "work in progress".

  5. When the validator is ready to be evaluated, please remove the [WIP] from the pull request title and tag Ross Blair (@rwblair)

Submitting the examples

  1. Create a new branch off of the bids-examples repository

  2. Name the branch following the BEP tag convention: bep### (e.g. bep003)

  3. Label your pull requests with your BEP tag. This will clearly differentiate your work from those of the master branch

  4. When the examples are ready to be merged, open a pull request against the master branch and tag Ross Blair (@rwblair)

BEP paper writing suggestion

This suggestion is intended to help BEP leads work more transparently while undergoing the BEP paper writing process. These suggestions are not required for submitting the BEP for incorporation into the BIDS-specification.

  • As the BEP paper is being put together, it may be valuable to share drafts with the BIDS community via the bids-discussion google group. This will help you gather the most feedback from the BIDS community and strengthen the paper.

  • The BEP paper draft can be shared directly on the BEP submission pull request. As the pull request is further looked over by the community, the paper can be enhanced during the review period.